You are needed in the fight against human trafficking.

Traffickers are exploiting millions of people right now. Will you fight back?

What do a knight, a dragon, and a firefly have to do with human trafficking?
Watch the unforgettable story of courage in the fight for freedom. Sex trafficking is an enemy we can all agree on. And it’s up to people like you to fight for millions around the world impacted right now.
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Atlas Free’s strategy is working.

For over 12 years, Atlas Free has been at the forefront of bringing together top organizations, leaders, and generous people like you into a collective impact to free children, reunite families, and support the vulnerable. As field catalysts, we're dedicated to uniting frontline efforts into a single, powerful impact against trafficking. We've already served over a million people, but to reach even more, we need your help.

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We work with over 40 Network Members spanning more than 25 countries to fight sex trafficking daily.

1,040,125 people have been impacted through aftercare, prevention, outreach, awareness, and intervention programs since we started in 2012.  

Over 220 unique programs holistically combating trafficking and scaling the global movement.

Team Freedom members restore independence, safety, and justice to an average of 5 people every day with their monthly giving.

They are field guides to freedom and the most sustainable way to fight trafficking.

Donate monthly

Stories to Write Home About

The heart of our work is centered around the men, women, and children living in sex trafficking and exploitation every day. Get to know their stories and the work Atlas Free is doing to create a better ending—a future for humanity free from exploitation.

Amone's Journey to Freedom
How Ira Turned Trauma Into Strength in the Ring
Love shouldn't be a trap. But for many, it can be.

Human trafficking is a people-made problem that can be solved by people like you.

What Leaders Are Saying About Atlas Free

"We wanted to do something to fight trafficking and exploitation. When we give to Atlas Free, we know we can truly make a difference in this fight. We love being a part of this team, this community, and this mission. We hope you'll join us!"

Donald and Betsy Miller

"Our family loves being a part of these stories of freedom! We've traveled the world and seen the faces of those now living in freedom, and they have forever impacted our lives."

Curt and Nancy Richardson

"Giving to Atlas Free in the fight against exploitation is one of the most important missions I've ever been a part of."

Lieutenant General Mick Kicklighter

We know it's important to you that your donation is stewarded for maximum impact—it's important to us, too.

That's why we work tirelessly to receive the highest endorsements and accreditations available for accountability and transparency.

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EIN/Tax ID: 16-1773392 | Mailing Address: PO Box 77 Kirkland, WA 98083
Atlas Free is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.